Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our Passion is now our Mission

Camela and I have become rather passionate about connecting siblings who have been separated. We are well aware that she is not the only one in her situation. We have been trying to come up with everything from using some of the proceeds from our book sale to selling cookies, lemonade stands and so on. We are eager to get the neccessary bucks to send at least one sibling group this year on a fun exciting, what we call adventure together.

The statistics are staggering: 85% of the youth in out-of-home care have one or more sibling, and of these, 75% are separated and placed in separate foster, kin or adoptive homes.

The reasons children are separated from their siblings may include:
• Being part of a large sibling group. Large sibling groups are more likely to be split up because
of rules regarding the number of children allowed in a foster home

• Siblings that have a big age spread might lead to separation (some homes only take infants or
younger children and do not/can not foster older youth and teens)

• The needs of the children may require different placements

• Relatives and kin may take the kids they are biologically related to but not half-siblings or

• Behavioral issues, for example if one sibling is abusive to the other siblings

For children entering care, their relationship and bond with siblings can be a protective buffer to the hardships that led to their placement in out-of-home care. Research has shown that sibling relationships increase a child’s well-being and ability to attach in future adult relationships, and may also lessen the impact from the loss of their bio parent(s).

If you have ideas you want to share with us please do so @ pamela@missingpiecesbooks.com

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